
Valley migraine treatment
Looking for a professional chiropractor in Valley? If you are looking for a chiropractor in Valley, then you need look no further. Our Chiro offers professional chiropractic treatments for all types of conditions. We are here to ease your pain and improve your quality of life. Our commitment to professionalism and ongoing development puts us...
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Valley chiropractor
Our Chiro is a local chiropractic practice. So if you are looking for a chiropractor in Fortitude Valley, please give us a call. Professional chiropractor in Fortitude Valley At Our Chiro, you can be assured that all our staff are professionally qualified and registered with the relevant professional bodies. Our aim is to provide top...
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chiropractor near Brisbane CBD
Are you searching for the best chiropractor in Brisbane? Our Chiro is your answer! We are a well established chiropractic practice, offering a range of the latest chiropractic treatments to the residents of Brisbane. If you are looking for a chiropractor in Brisbane, you need look no further than Our Chiro. The most effective chiropractic...
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lower back pain treatment
The lower back The lower back is the area of the spine between the bottom of the ribs and the pelvis. There are five movable lumbar vertebrae with discs in between them. They are supported by strong surrounding muscles and ligaments with spinal nerves existing between each of the vertebrae. The pelvis articulates with the spine and provides...
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what is osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic disease of the joints. While it can affect any joints in the body, it is most commonly seen in the joints of the fingers and thumb, knees, lower back, hips and neck. Normally, cartilage covers the end of each bone in a joint. This provides cushioning between the bones...
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Here at Our Chiro, we often treat patients who are seeing us with injuries that have happened or have been exacerbated in the workplace. So in today’s blog, we’ll look at some of the most common workplace injuries. Lower Back Pain Many people would think that by working in an office, you’re keeping yourself safe...
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Valley leg pain
All about tennis elbow Those in the medical profession would call this condition ‘lateral epicondylitis’. But everyone else would know it as tennis elbow. Although its name comes from the sport, only a small number of those diagnosed get the condition from playing tennis. Where the pain is located Judging by the name, the pain...
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sciatica photo
The sciatic nerve Sciatica is a condition that is unfortunately quite common. Perhaps you have experienced it yourself, or a family member or friend has suffered from it. It is not a diagnosis itself, but is a symptom of a range of lower back problems which irritate or compress a nerve known as the sciatic...
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Sciatica treatment in Brisbane
What Causes Leg Pain? Leg pain can occur anywhere, and whether it is calf pain, foot, ankle, thigh, or somewhere else, it can seriously affect your day-to-day life. Pain can be present in both legs, or just one, and can be a result of different conditions that affect bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels,...
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Valley migraine treatment
If you are suffering from neck pain, you may find yourself in a great deal of discomfort and unable to function as you normally would. There are many different causes, but the general symptoms include; restriction or reduced movement of the head and neck, tension in shoulders, tight muscles and even headaches. This can make...
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Chiropractor Brisbane | Back Pain & Chiropractic Fortitude Valley