We all do it. You have a headache and you take a painkiller or two. In a relatively short space of time you experience pain relief. But what if the painkillers don’t eradicate the pain? Or the headache returns time and time again? At Our Chiro in Brisbane headache treatment takes the form of a holistic approach that focuses on long term pain relief. Our teams are specialists when it comes to treating migraines and other kinds of headaches.
At Our Chiro in Brisbane headache treatment focuses on treating and preventing chronic headaches.
For some, they experience an occasional headache which they then resolved with a painkiller. For others, headaches are a chronic condition. Chronic headaches can affect your performance at work, your interaction with other people, and your sense of well being. This is why we provide specialised care for people suffering from headaches.
In many ways, chronic headaches are a lot like other medical conditions. Whilst treating the symptoms can provide some temporary relief, we cannot successfully resolve the condition until we have identified and treated the underlying causes.
At Our Chiro our aim is to identify and treat the biomechanical problems and any other issues that are causing a condition.
Successful treatment can only commence once a member of our team has performed a meticulous assessment. All members of our team are trained to carry out incredibly thorough assessments for each client. This enables us to detect factors that are causing your headaches, that otherwise might not have been identified.
We then progress to developing a treatment plan that is focused on these causative factors. We believe that is our thorough approach coupled with a focus on treating the cause, that yields such successful results in our clients.
If you are suffering from chronic headaches, please make an appointment to have an assessment with a member of our team.