It might come as a surprise to learn that the best Brisbane migraine treatment is chiropractic. Whilst often overlooked as treatment for migraines and other headaches, chiropractic is incredibly effective.
Our Chiro offers Brisbane migraine treatment that provides effective long term relief.
Headaches, and migraines in particular, can be quite difficult to treat. This is because the cause is often nebulous. All too frequently, the possible cause isn’t considered and generic painkillers are prescribed as a matter of course. At Our Chiro in Brisbane migraine treatment takes a radically different approach.
No matter the presenting complaint, each of our clients has a thorough assessment. This includes taking a comprehensive medical history in addition to conducting a physical examination. In some cases, imaging and other investigative tools might be required.
Our thorough assessments enable us to identify any underlying biomechanical dysfunction and medical problems.
This first step is an imperative one. In fact, the success of chiropractic treatment hinges on an accurate assessment. Only by correctly identifying the root causes, can we determine the proper treatment plan to combat your migraines.
As chiropractors, our treatments focus on correcting the underlying biomechanical problems. This is essential, because in doing so we are addressing the cause. If we only addressed the symptoms, your migraines would continue to recur.
If and when we identify medical problems that fall outside the realm of chiropractic, we reach out to specialists in other medical fields. Our Chiro works collaboratively with doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, and other health service providers. In this way we offer Brisbane migraine treatment that is holistic, and therefore more effective.
If you or anyone you know suffers from migraines, contact us for more information. Our Chiro is here to provide Brisbane with the best possible chiropractic care. Let us help you rid your life of migraines.