Looking for a ‘Brisbane chiropractor near me’? Our Chiro Brisbane is a conveniently located in Fortitude Valley near the Brisbane CBD. Contact us to book the next available appointment and start your journey to a more balanced life.
I need a Brisbane chiropractor near me for pain relief!
Our Chiro Brisbane chiropractic clinic provides chiropractic care for a wide range of injuries and conditions. Whether it’s a sports injury, neck pain from poor posture, or something else entirely, you can trust our qualified and experienced team to provide effective treatment.
Our Brisbane chiropractic clinic provides evidence based chiropractic treatment tailored to you.
What do we mean by evidence based chiropractic? Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to patient care that integrates the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values*. We take our time with patients to ensure that we have a clear understanding of patients’ needs, preferences, and treatments that would best suit the condition for which they are seeing us. We stay up to date with the latest scientific research and continuing professional development in our field, so that our practice is up to date with best practice principles.
Our Chiro Brisbane offers a wide range of chiropractic treatment modalities.
This means that each Brisbane chiropractor at our clinic is able to develop tailored treatments for our patients. Having access to a range of chiropractic and musculoskeletal treatment options means that you will receive treatment that is specifically tailored to your condition. This is done to provide our patients with quicker and better results.
- Our chiropractic treatment techniques include:
- manual manipulation techniques
- activator tool
- trigger point therapy
- muscle release and soft tissue techniques (including Active Release Technique, soft
tissue release, and the Graston technique) - kinesio (kinesiology) taping, dynamic taping, and sports taping
- rehabilitation, exercise, and strengthening programmes
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and muscle stimulation therapy
- cold laser therapy
- dry needling
All our treatments are can be adjusted for individual needs.
Whether it’s for the young or young at heart or people who have specific conditions, we have a range of techniques that will be suited to you. There is sometimes the misconception that chiropractic can be a painful process; we can assure you this is not the case. We aim to provide effective pain relief and healing for all our patients.
If you are searching for a ‘Brisbane chiropractor near me’, contact Our Chiro Brisbane for
effective evidence based chiropractic treatment.
*Sackett D et al. 2000, ‘Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach’ EBM, 2nd
edition. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, p1.