If you are suffering from neck pain, you may find yourself in a great deal of discomfort and unable to function as you normally would. There are many different causes, but the general symptoms include; restriction or reduced movement of the head and neck, tension in shoulders, tight muscles and even headaches. This can make even the simple things we do hard such as driving, working and even sleeping. Muscle and tissue strain is one of the most common causes of simple acute neck pain, so be sure to get it checked out as soon as possible.
How a Chiropractor Can Help
Chiropractors at Our Chiro Brisbane have managed to successfully treat many patients over the years with neck pain problems. Whether they occur overnight from poor sleeping habits, bad posture or from trauma such as whiplash. Our chiropractors understand just how uncomfortable and restricting the pain can be and our treatments will help begin to reduce pain fast as possible. There are a variety of treatments that are used, tailored to your individual needs. These methods include: gentle adjustments and manipulations, dry needling, soft tissue work, kinesio taping, cold laser, cupping therapy, and remedial massage therapy. Every person and every injury is different, so our chiropractors work with you for the best possible results.
Get Help Today
If you are experiencing any sort of neck pain we are here to help offering gentle and effective treatment. Contact the professionals at Our Chiro today and book in your first appointment as soon as possible.
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